A state-of-the-art computing facility serves as a dynamic hub for innovation, empowering researchers and scientists to push the boundaries of knowledge across various domains. With its robust infrastructure, advanced hardware, high-speed networking, and comprehensive software tools, it becomes a catalyst for groundbreaking discoveries, transformative breakthroughs, and societal advancements in the digital era.

Our Computing Facility comprise of nearly 700 PCs. We have 15 state of the art labs with PCs of latest configurations of Dell i7 in maximum labs for the use of our students.

A computer center with having nearly 70 PCs is also for students where they can do their project and research works.

The facility is equipped with a high-speed internet bandwidth and network infrastructure, enabling seamless communication and data transfer between computing resources. We have High-bandwidth connections, such as fiber optics or high-speed interconnects, facilitate rapid data exchange, remote access, and collaboration, supporting large-scale simulations, distributed computing, and real-time analysis.

We have a comprehensive suite of software and tools tailored for various computational needs empowers of our students. It includes programming frameworks, simulation software, data analysis tools, and machine learning frameworks. Access to licensed commercial software and open-source solutions enables our students to leverage state-of-the-art technologies for their projects.

Our Students are Placed in Top IT Companies